27 października 2021
The ceremony of appointment took place on October 18th, 2021, in the office of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists in Warsaw. The ceremony was attended by physiotherapists who take the positions of Chair of new, 8 thematic sections on: Physiotherapy in oncology and palliative care - Janusz Doś, PT, PhD Physiotherapy in Sport - dr hab. Monika Grygorowicz, PT Physiotherapy in Geriatrics - Marta Podhorecka, PT, PhD Physiotherapy in Urology and Gynecology - Bartłomiej Burzyński, PT, PhD Physiotherapy in Neurology - Joanna Tokarska, PT, MSc Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy - Mariusz Stachowiak, PT, MSc Private Practice in Physiotherapy - prof. Zbigniew Śliwiński, PT Physiotherapy in Occupational Health and Ergonomy- Zbigniew Wroński, PT, PhD. A nice surprise awaited the participants during the ceremony. Tracy Bury, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, responsible for subgroups and networks at World Physiotherapy, sent a welcome message! The sections created and the topics chosen are related to KIF's membership in World Physiotherapy. Admitting Polish representatives to global subgroups allow previously assumed goals, both domestic and international to be implemented. National targets: to associate physiotherapists interested in a given topic, to standardize the work of physiotherapists in specific clinical fields, to create the basis for clinical specializations. International goals: promotion of Polish physiotherapy, exchange of professional experiences. The subgroups are important independent organizations. They have a defined area of interest and promote progress in physiotherapy and the exchange of scientific knowledge in their field. It will be a challenging and busy time for appointed representatives to organize the structure and create an action plan for the thematic sections. “After almost two years of a pandemic, which significantly impeded international contacts, establishing subgroups is a great event for us. Thanks to this, we gain even more from membership of World Physiotherapy, and we use the opportunities offered by this international coalition to a large extent,” says Dalia Woźnica from the international department of KIF, a project coordinator. Check updates related to the subgroups on our social media!