The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists

‘Physiotherapy moves’ – the first social campaign in Poland promoting physiotherapy.

Why this campaign? We know what physiotherapy is and how it ‘moves’ every day. We know that it is an integral part of the treatment process and is not just for the patients. We know that it can also be an element of changing the lifestyle for a better and healthier. We are very happy that some politicians know this and that the World Health Organization has recognized physiotherapy as one of the health priorities. But this is not enough… Because 50 percent of Poles have never used physiotherapy services, and nearly 5 percent do not even know what it is. This ‘moved us’. The goal of the campaign is to promote physiotherapy and show its capabilities. Today, physiotherapy is not an addition to treatment, but an important part of it and can be an inspiration to a healthy lifestyle. We care about gaining the trust of patients and building the prestige of the physiotherapist profession. It is significant that patients who have benefited from physiotherapy have a very good opinion about it. On a scale of 1-10, patients rate a contact with a physiotherapist at 7.5, and the recommendation rate is as high as 8.15. We are proud that most would gladly recommend our services to others . But for us it is still not enough… To whom? The campaign is addressed to all people, current and future patients, active and those who just want to be active. The heroes of our campaign are of different ages, they can live anywhere, they can be our neighbor, mother or child… Or you. About physiotherapy and physiotherapists Physiotherapy is healing by movement. The method has been used for centuries, today it accompanies us in a modern version. Such therapy does not always win patients’ trust from the beginning, because it requires them to be involved and cooperate. For a full and positive effect, it is necessary to exercise independently or with the support of the family. Physiotherapy is not as easy to use as a painkiller tablet. However, it has definitely fewer side effects and works much longer. We, as physiotherapists, are the youngest medical self-government – not only when it comes to the average age of its representatives, but also the existence of regulations governing the profession. It was only the Act of 25 September 2015 on the Profession of Physiotherapy ( introduced the provisions specifying the rules for performing this profession as an independent medical profession. A year later the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists was established. Other self-governments, operating in the field of health care for many (and sometimes for several dozen) years, have been informing about their actions both the decision-makers and specialists, as well as a wide range of patients. What others have done over the decades, we must do much faster. About the campaign The decision to prepare the campaign was taken at one of the meetings of the Executive Board. Shooting for the social campaign were taken at the end of August. It was a

Meeting of european representatives of physiotherapeutic communities

Meeting of european representatives of physiotherapeutic communities On September 12th, 2019, meeting of physiotherapist communities from selected European countries were held at the headquarters of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists. The meeting attended members of chambers and associations of physiotherapists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Montenegro, Romania, and Slovakia. The following persons participated on behalf of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists: Maciej Krawczyk – President, Ernest Wiśniewski – Vice President, Zbigniew Wroński – Vice President and members of the International Cooperation Committee – Dalia Woźnica, Weronika Krzepkowska, and Joanna Tokarska. The subjects of the meeting were primarily: currently available procedures for access to physiotherapy, rules governing medical physiotherapy services, migration and mobility of specialists, and the dynamics of changes in physiotherapy services in Europe. Representants of the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists presented the way of Polish physiotherapists to the establishment of the self-government body, its goals and assigned tasks as well as reforms to date – especially newly emerging physiotherapeutic practices and including physiotherapeutic functions in the scope of guaranteed services in the field of basic health services. Guests introduced how physiotherapists associate in their countries – through the foundations and associations to the independent chambers and self-regulated bodies. The importance of exchanging experiences between participants was emphasized. The benefits of direct access for patients to physiotherapy were discussed. Recommendations on training and promotion of professions, as well as the application of WCPT instructions to physiotherapy curricula to make the most of physiotherapy services for the independence of the profession, were highlighted. The French representative presented a new reform of the Ministry of Health and Solidarity in France (September 9th, 2019), which provides the possibility of direct access for patients to physiotherapy services in case of ankle sprain and acute low back pain to the end 2019. During the meeting, issues related to the migration of physiotherapists were also raised. Participants discussed the known factors and its far-reaching effects. In line with the recognition that migration should be the subject of interest – a high percentage of physiotherapists in our location migrate, which also starts to be an interest of the European Union. A proposal to contact the European Commission has been made. It was pointed out that current changes in physiotherapy from an international perspective are occurring in two directions – towards the regulation of the profession (establishment of chambers, legal regulation of the profession) and in the scope of performed activities (granting additional rights to physiotherapists). Changes in the scope of competences occur mainly in Western Europe, where physiotherapy becomes more specialized and targeted. Eastern Europe aims to regulate the profession and create structures for its operation; it is growing dynamically. It was proposed that countries introducing new competencies for physiotherapists could share their experiences with countries where specific solutions are still in planning. The knowledge resulting from these experiences can contribute to convincing the authorities and public opinion to introduce new solutions on local soil.

World Physiotherapy Day!

It’s September 8, let’s celebrate World Physiotherapy Day! The theme of this year’s World Physiotherapy Day is chronic pain. This problem is particularly close to physiotherapists who deal with pain during everyday practice.

INPTRA Webcast: Road Map to Regulation–Speakers from Nigeria and Poland

Watch the webcast presenting the history of the physiotherapy profession in Nigeria and Poland. Emmanuel John and Habeeb Ololade will speak about the preceding three decades of relentless advocacy leading up to the Nigerian government’s approval of a regulatory body, while Dalia Woźnica will discuss how the Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists initiated the National Rehabilitation Reform in Poland.