Famous Polish actors promote exercises for self-rehabilitation after COVID-19

The COVID-19 self-rehabilitation guide is a collection of techniques, exercises and advice for all patients who have had coronavirus infection. It is a source prepared by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, translated and adapted for Polish patients by KIF experts. We have printed and distributed over 50,000 brochures to hospitals, clinics and private practices. The WHO representatives, encouraged by the successful distribution of the guide and the involvement of KIF in this project, asked us to produce videos with exercises and tips. They are available here:

Getting over a COVID-19 infection can be addressing different complications. Both, those who have undergone the infection mildly and those who have required hospitalization may experience significant functional and well-being decline. The key to physical as well as emotional recovery is rehabilitation. It is really important to reach out to all patients that are in need of support. I am glad of the solidarity and deep commitment of KIF in the fight against the consequences of the pandemic’ – emphasizes Dr Paloma Cuchí, World Health Organization Representative in Poland.

The scenario of the 3 videos was prepared by the Communication and Marketing Department of KIF, based on the content of the Polish version of the brochure. Before the shooting, there were several substantive online consultations with WHO representatives. Professional actors took part in the video shooting:

  • Katarzyna Zielińska-Jaworska – Polish theatre and film actress,
  • Mirosław Zbrojewicz – famous Polish actor, known for many roles, the so-called ‘tough guys’ in films and sensational series, but also comedies.

We cared about selecting actors representing different generations of patients. COVID-19 is, unfortunately, an exceptionally ‘democratic’ disease, it affects people of all ages. We want to reach out with recommendations to all convalescents, hence the decision to present the exercises and advice by famous Polish actors’ – says Wojciech Komosa, Head of the Communication and Marketing Department of KIF.

This video guide for patients for self-rehabilitation is a valuable set of advice that should be watched by all patients affected by COVID-19, as well as their relatives and caregivers. It has been divided into three videos.

The first relates to breathing techniques and positions to ease breathlessness.

The second is about physical exercises.

And the third is about how to manage daily activities.

‘The guide ‘Support for rehabilitation self-management after COVID-19- related illness’ provides basic exercises and advice for adults who have been severely unwell after COVID-19 infection. The information collected in it is to help you regain full fitness, as well as pay your attention to disturbing, recurring symptoms. Of course, it should be remembered that it will not replace an individualised exercise programme – that is why direct contact with a rehabilitation professionalist is so important‘ – adds Weronika Krzepkowska, physiotherapist, responsible at KIF for contacts with WHO and initiator of cooperation on this guide.

The videos will be widely promoted on KIF websites and profiles, as well as in the media and internationally, in various language versions. We encourage you to share the videos widely so that they reach as many people in need as possible. We believe that videos are a perfect supplement to printed brochures and that their attractive form will encourage patients to exercise. Visit the website with all the details:

Polish physiotherapists have been fighting the pandemic from the very beginning, and research reports clearly show that physiotherapy is significant support in the fight against COVID-19. KIF has recently launched a free training program on physiotherapy for people who have undergone COVID-19: