6 grudnia, 2023

KIF representatives at the international conference in Bratislava

In Bratislava, September 22-23 this year. "International industry conference - Physiotherapists Days" took place. At the invitation of the Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists, KIF representatives also took part in the conference. Vice-President of the KRF, Dr. Dominika Batycka-Stachnik, was invited to a discussion panel on physiotherapy in internal diseases and in her speech she discussed prehabilitation as an optimal model of preparing a patient for a thoracic surgery. The vice president talked about what exactly prehabilitation is, why, when and how it should be introduced, what challenges cardiac surgery involves and what the exact model of prehabilitation procedure is. Weronika Krzepkowska, senior specialist for international cooperation at KIF, participated in the panel on the legislation and regulations of professional physiotherapists in the Czech Republic, Poland and other European countries. She presented the benefits of regulating the profession of physiotherapist in Poland, the most important information about our professional group and the goals that the local government wants to achieve in Poland in the coming years. The panel also discussed the differences and similarities in professional regulations in EU countries and where physiotherapists have the greatest autonomy. The conference was also an opportunity to establish closer cooperation and exchange experiences with representatives of chambers and associations of physiotherapists from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The Slovak Chamber of Physiotherapists was represented by president Diana Dudášová, and the Czech Association of Physiotherapists (UNIFY) by president Vladan Toufar. Among these countries, in Poland, physiotherapists have the greatest independence in performing their profession, which was met with great recognition, as well as questions about possible areas of cooperation for the benefit of our professional groups. Full conference program:

Ostatnie zapisy na szkolenia stacjonarne

Uwaga, ostatnia szansa na udział w certyfikowanych szkoleniach stacjonarnych w ramach FIZJI. 7 grudnia o godz. 21.00 otwieramy zapisy na osiem szkoleń. Przez godzinę będą mogli zapisywać się ci, którzy wcześniej nie wzięli udziału w kursach stacjonarnych. O godz. 22.00 odblokujemy ten limit – udostępnimy zapisy dla wszystkich zarejestrowanych na FIZJA.PL Maksymalnie można odbyć 6 szkoleń stacjonarnych i wszystkie opublikowane na platformie szkolenia online.