20 czerwca, 2023

FizjoBohater – poprawia sprawność, ratuje życie!

Fizjoterapeuci odgrywają bardzo ważną rolę we wczesnej diagnostyce czerniaka – jednego z najbardziej agresywnych nowotworów skóry. Bliski kontakt z pacjentem, praca z odsłoniętym ciałem oraz uważność sprawiają, że w łatwy i szybki sposób możemy ocenić stan skóry pacjenta. Każdy z nas jest FizjoBohaterem, który nie tylko poprawia sprawność, ale może uratować życie pacjenta! Zobacz film Akademii Czerniaka i Krajowej Izby Fizjoterapeutów promujący akcję „Cała Polska sprawdza znamiona”.

PhysioHero – improves fitness, saves lives!

Melanoma is one of the most aggressive skin cancers - in our country alone, we record 3,500-4,000 new cases every year. If melanoma is diagnosed early, there is almost a 100% chance of cure. chances of completely curing melanoma. This makes the role of physiotherapists in the early diagnosis of melanoma crucial. We are the third largest medical profession in Poland and every day we participate in the process of treating and restoring the fitness of patients in all fields of medicine. What distinguishes us is constant and close contact with the patient and work with his exposed body. Combined with comprehensive medical knowledge and attentiveness, this allows for an easy and quick way to assess the patient's skin condition and changes within it, especially those that are difficult to notice, e.g. on the back. We know that many of us, when we see moles or changes on a patient's skin, make a preliminary assessment of them, often suggesting a check-up with a doctor. When drawing the patient's attention to the birthmark, the physiotherapist should encourage him to immediately consult an appropriate specialist. Of course, the diagnosis can only be made by a dermatologist or an oncologist after a dermatoscopic examination and a confirmatory biopsy, but the attentiveness of the physiotherapist may determine the speed of the patient's reaction and, consequently, saving someone's life. You too can become a PhysioHero! The Polish Chamber of Physiotherapists, in cooperation with the Melanoma Academy, joined the "All of Poland checks moles" campaign. The aim of this campaign is to raise public awareness of skin protection and mole examination. Together, we have prepared a film that talks about the role of physiotherapists in the early diagnosis of melanoma, and also educates the public on prevention and skin protection principles. This is important because the holiday season is about to begin, when our skin is much more exposed to sunlight, and this is one of the factors that significantly increases the incidence of melanoma.